When you tell the universe you want something. Be ready for opportunity.
It may not come in the form you are expecting. The universe sends us our requests in expected and unexpected ways.
Last year I put on my vision board I wanted to experience global travel. Within a week of hanging my board full of pictures and words on my wall that I wanted to manifest, I was offered an opportunity to become a world travel host for the Women’s Travel Network (WTN). Amazing right? YES!
Before jumping into hosting Croatia (happening this Oct. 2019 if you want to join me) I wanted to participate in a trip for myself to see how the WTN works. India was the only trip for 2018 with one seat left. There was my opportunity.
I had never wanted to visit India or had thought of it as a possibility but when the offer dropped on my lap, I trusted my angels and guides and decided to say “YES” to life. Yikes!
After 3 weeks of touring with an amazing group of people, tour leaders and experiencing the northern part of India, I feel beyond blessed and my soul is filled with happiness and joy.
When life provides you with an opportunity, say “YES”. Opening that door will create a ton of amazing experiences – I promise you that. Saying yes to life attracts abundance. If my fears of …. The cost, the time away from my daughter & dog, the immunizations needed, the preparation, the travel time and the worry of liking the food took over my mind, I would have never experienced a life-changing trip.
Besides sharing how lovely all the people are, how the food is absolutely delicious, the scenery is stunning, architecture beyond belief and how I definitely want to return to India again, I want to share with you a few key points that I learned from India. My hope for you this 2019 is that you say “YES” to life. Enjoy the journey and I’d love to hear how your opportunities are changing your world.
Things I learned from India:
– a simple wave hello can bring the brightest smile
– colour exists everywhere
– love doesn’t care if you’re rich or poor
– patience creates a legacy of beauty
– buffalo milk contains 7% fat but is healthier than cow milk!
– No matter which country or culture, teenage girls still love taking selfies
– New friends are made when travelling together
– Travel is the best education
– Being in school is priceless
– Canada has pure air to breathe
– Cows are your friend
– No belief is right or wrong
– Everyone is treated as family
– Let sleeping dogs lay
– Be thankful for our garbage, compost and recycling programs
Angela Dacey, WTN tour host and creator of,