Monthly Archives: June 2015

DAY 11 – Wednesday, June 3: Excursion to Suzhou

Today we made up for yesterday and did Shanghai. We visited silk factory, Xintiandi boutique area . We split in two an some went up to a breath taking view of the city on the 88th floor. The rest of us walked and shopped on the famous Pingjiang Rd and strolled the Bund. We were able to fit in time at the Shanghai Museum and some shopping at the Yuyuan garden shops. We stayed at the Crowne Plaza.

DAY 9 – Monday, June 1: Fly to Shanghai

imageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageThis morning we visit the Three Gorges Dam Project at Sandouping, the largest dam in the world. This engineering marvel is truly impressive. The ship also took us through 4 of the 5 locks. Simply huge, every thing here is huge. We disembark at Yichang and proceed to the airport for the flight to Shanghai. As our flight was cancelled we spent the night and caught the train the next morning.

DAY 5 – Thursday, May 28 Bucket list day in Xian

Today we discovered one of China’s most amazing treasures and one of the most famous archaeological finds in the world; the Terra Cotta Warriors. This life-size army of thousands stood guard over the tomb of the Emperor Qin Shi Huang for over two thousand years before being discovered by chance. We were lucky enough to meet one of the 4 farmers who discover this national treasure. There are over 8,000 Terra Cotta Warriors in battle formation with no two soldier’s faces alike. Equally amazing is the pair of bronze chariots and horses unearthed nearby and displayed in the small museum. Just Amazing!!!!!




One of the farmers who was digging the well when the discovered the warriors. He signed our books

One of the farmers who was digging the well when the discovered the warriors. He signed our books

DAY 6 – Friday, May 29: Fly to Chongqing

imageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageDay 6 fly to Chongqing / Yangtze River Cruise

Today was another early one but were off the the and visited the most peaceful park high on a hill top in the centre of the city. We found a local artist who created art treasures for several of the ladies. We even had lesson on  making and pouring tea What a wonderful bonus for us all. This was fit in to our busy day by our tour guide Amy. We tried our hand at a hot pot lunch and it wasn’t just stove hot it was spicey hot. We then visited the 3 Gorges Museum and got an educated taste of what we may experience on our Yangtze River Cruise. We then went to the Zoo to see the Pandas and the timing was just right as were there to see all 7 panda out and eating their favourite bamboo. Then off to down town Chongqing for a short stroll dinner and then off to dinner. The city is techno logy gone wild.

Sorry not letting add photos at all.

I Am Now able to post On this blog off ship andoutofthe gorge. We are in Yichang over night as plane canceled and we are now booked to take the train at 11:45 to Shanghai.

We all know a little about the sinking of a ship the Yangtze River but we are all fine and no where near this. Will be back soon