Monthly Archives: February 2015

India, here we come!

by Debbie Ross
Womens Travel Network founder.

We’re off to India today.  This will be my second visit to this Incredible destination.  People ask me if I’m nervouse, my commenet is “NO, I am excited because I know how fantastic this trip is going to be.”  We are going to meet incredible people, be charmed by beautiful childrem, see incredible sights and taste delectable foods.  I can hardly wait.  Here are a few photos of some of the interesting people I met on my last trip to India.

I invite you to check back often,  I will be post photos and stories of our India experience.  Enjoy!

India 4

India 2India 3India 1

Giving Back to our Travel Community

by Carolyn Whitaker  WTN Tour Leader

Last November I had the pleasure of leading the WTN Kenya Safari tour.  While staying at Sweetwater Camp I noticed they had a Christmas Wish tree’.  Hung on the tree were little scrolls of paper.  Each scroll told the story of a child in the nearby village who needed a specific Christmas present like school books, etc.   The scroll I selected told of a child called Jackie who needed a uniform so she could go to school.  I was happy to donate.  Here is a picture of Jackie in her new uniform attending school.  It doesn’t take much to make one of these beautiful children happy. The children can’t attend school without a uniform. I am so grateful to have this opportunity to help enrich a child’s life.

Kenya school girl